
Here are just some of our past guests:
- Dr. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon, http://www.edmitchellapollo14.com/
- George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM, http://www.coasttocoastam.com/
- Gil Gerard, actor who played TV's Buck Rogers, http://www.gilgerard.com/
- "The Amazing" James Randi, professional skeptic, http://www.randi.org/
- Stanton Friedman, UFO Researcher, http://www.stantonfriedman.com/
- James Van Praagh, Medium, http://www.vanpraagh.com/
- Dr. Cyril Wecht, Forensic Pathologist, http://www.cyrilwecht.com/
- Jim Marrs, Conspiracy Author, http://www.jimmarrs.com/
- Brad Steiger, Prolific paranormal author, http://www.bradandsherry.com/
- Dr. Steven Greer, UFO Researcher, http://www.disclosureproject.org/
- Loren Coleman, Cryptozoologist & Fortean, http://www.lorencoleman.com/
- Loyd Auerbach, Parapsychologist, http://www.mindreader.com/
- Phyllis Galde, Publisher of FATE Magazine, http://www.fatemag.com/
- Patrick Huyghe, Editor of The Anomalist, http://www.anomalist.com/
- Dr. William Roll, Parapsychologist, at http://www.amazon.com/Unleashed-Poltergeists-Murder-Curious-Story/dp/0743482948/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b/102-7344099-2061746?ie=UTF8&qid=1181054679&sr=1-1
- Lloyd Kaufman, President of Troma films and Chairman of the Independent Film & TV Alliance, http://www.lloydkaufman.com/
- Dr. William R. Forstchen, NY Times Best-selling Sci-Fi and Alternative History Author, http://www.forstchen.com/
- John Zaffis, Demonologist, http://www.johnzaffis.com/
- John Hutchison, Electrical Experimenter, http://www.hutchisoneffect.ca/
- Dr. Raymond Moody, Near Death Experience researcher, http://www.lifeafterlife.com/
- Dr. Sally Rhine Feather, Parapsychologist, http://www.rhine.org/
- Ray Buckland, Magick author, http://www.raybuckland.com/
- Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water researcher featured inWhat the Bleep?, http://www.hado.net/
- Dr. Robert Schoch, Egyptologist, http://www.robertschoch.net/
- Prophet Yahweh, UFO contactee, http://www.prophetyahweh.com/
- Dr. Dean Radin, Physicist, http://www.deanradin.com/
- Dr. Andrew Nichols, Parapsychologist, http://www.parapsychologylab.com/
- Daniel Cohen, Prolific author of paranormal books, Wikipedia Entry
- High Priest Peter H. Gilmore, Head of the Church of Satan, http://www.churchofsatan.com/
- Glynis McCants, Numerologist, http://www.numberslady.com/
- Unknown Hinson, Vampire Hillbilly Country Western Star, http://www.unknownhinson.com/
- Page Bryant, Psychic expert on vortexes, http://www.pagebryant.com/
- Bill Burns, Celebrated Psychic Counselor & Channeler, http://www.billburns.org/
- Grandmaster Tom Cameron, Death Touch expert, Myspace Page
- Jeff Belanger, Owns the web's most popular ghost site, http://www.ghostvillage.com/
- Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Prolific author on the unknown, http://www.visionaryliving.com/
- David Farrant, English investigator who saw the Highgate Vampire, http://www.davidfarrant.org/
- Tim Beckley, Mr. UFO, http://www.conspiracyjournal.com/
- Paul Stonehill, Russian UFO Researacher, LINK
- Tim Swartz, Author on time travel, http://www.conspiracyjournal.com/
- Noreen Renier, Psychic detective who works with the FBI, http://www.noreenrenier.com/
- Charles Cosimano, Radionics expert, http://www.geocities.com/c_cosimano/
- Nick Redfern, Author on cryptids & UFOs, http://www.nickredfern.com/
- Dr. James DeMeo, Orgone researcher, http://www.orgonelab.com/
- Mark A.Hall, Cryptozoologist, http://home.att.net/~mark.hall.wonders/
- Karyn Reece, Psychic, http://www.karynreece.com/
- Ed Wahler, Legal Historian, http://www.usofavus.com/
- Tom Biscardi, Bigfoot Hunter, http://www.searchingforbigfoot.com/
- Jerry E. Smith, Expert on HAARP, http://www.jerryesmith.com/
- Roger Hart, Fell off Mt. Everest & survived www.timedeathandreality.net/bio.htm
- Robert Kiviat, Produced the infamous Alien Autopsy special on FOX,http://promotions.ampd.com/paranormal/
- Ruben Uriarte, UFO Researcher (MUFON), http://www.mexicosroswell.com/
- Eric Julien, wrote The Science of Extraterrestrials, http://www.alliesbooks.com/
- Lori Bruno, Descendant of Giordano Bruno (burned at the stake in the 1500s), http://www.loribrunopsychic.com/
- Ethan Dettenmaier, Horror filmmaker, www.sin-jinsmyth.com/
- Marie D. Jones, author of Psience, http://www.mariedjones.com/
- Angela Moore, Psychic, http://www.angela-moore.com/
- Mac Tonnies, Space author, http://www.mactonnies.com/
- Virato, Swami and radio host, http://www.viratolive.com/
- Yeva, Cosmic artist with world's largest alien collection, http://www.yevasuniverse.com/